Burak Köken
2 min readDec 14, 2020


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Today, we’re going to talk about Goo. What is that? It is a reflection library written in Go. It aims to provide an abstraction for the built-in reflection library in Go.

I remember the time when I first used the built-in reflection library. It was hard to get used to using it. Most of the time, I was confused while using it. Moreover, I had many bugs. Therefore application crashed several times.

Gopher Artwork

Finally, I was fed up with this situation and decided to develop a library making the reflection easier and providing an abstraction layer for the built-in library. In the beginning, I ran into some problems while developing it. That’s why it took a while. Eventually, I handled it and built a useful library.

Unlike the built-in reflection API, it is easier to use and understand. I think you don’t need documentation to use it :).

Let’s see how to use it.

The only thing you need to do is to import Goo and invoke the method goo.GetType. It’s that easy. :)

I’m going to create detailed documentation soon. I hope you have enjoyed it.

For more information, you can find the code on Github. And if you want to contribute to the library or find a bug, please report it.

Thanks for reading.



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